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Perimenopause can begin in your 30’s or 40’s. It can last up to 10 years. Your natural estrogen levels drop which can cause a variety of noticeable symptoms.

This stage in a woman’s life can seem particularly confusing. It can begin in your 30’s or 40’s and last up to 10 years. It doesn’t quite look the same for any woman, yet it is a normal process as your body’s natural levels of estrogen begin to drop. Perimenopause should not cause alarm. We are experts at treating natural hormonal changes in women. We can successfully assist during this transition.

Menopause is clinically defined as a woman who:

1.) has not had a period for 12 months

2.) has a Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) of less than 50

Perimenopause is the time before a woman meets these two criteria.

However, there are many women who are experiencing signs of menopause who are not at the menopause stage, yet. During this time, symptoms of perimenopause (that indicate menopause is on the horizon) can include:

  • Irregular periods (more frequent, heavier or lighter, skipped)

  • Weight gain

  • Lean muscle loss

  • Increase in abdominal fat

  • Irritability

  • Sleeping difficulties

  • Low libido

  • Headaches

  • Memory issues or inability to focus

  • Anxiety/heart palpitations

These symptoms are more commonly associated with menopause, but can also be experienced during perimenopause:

  • Night sweats

  • Hot flashes

  • Vaginal dryness

As soon as you begin experiencing symptoms is the time you should reach out to us. It is never too early to get our support. We’ll begin by doing a comprehensive lab evaluation and take it from there. We will evaluate your thyroid, testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol and DHEA levels are optimal. Our customized protocols will make each transition manageable and can even help you feel better than you ever have.

Women in perimenopause are typically prescribed bioidentical progesterone in their treatment plans. Progesterone is taken at night, in capsule form. This generally helps to regulate menstrual cycles and eliminate any night sweats or hot flashes they may be experiencing. Progesterone also has an anti-anxiolytic effect (reduces anxiety), so patients tend to sleep much better.

During this time, testosterone levels are monitored, as well. Often, they require optimization to maintain sex drive, reduce body fat and maintain or gain lean muscle. Exercising and clean eating is very important during this time and our the programs we offer are holistic in nature in order to address all areas in your life that can support you in making a smooth transition into menopause and beyond.

Expert clinicians are careful not to prescribe Estradiol during perimenopause or they risk creating estrogen dominance among their patients. This can result in heavy bleeding, breast tenderness, irritability, bloating and acne. Fortunately, we are experts in hormone replacement and are able to determine a safe, evidence-based plan that is medically appropriate.

To avoid estrogen dominance, which can cause heavy bleeding, breast tenderness, irritability, bloating and acne, women in perimenopause are not typically prescribed Estradiol until they are in menopause.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877.721.0047

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