Product Information


Information Sheet

This is a list of materials you will need to successfully inject medications at home.

Find the medication you have been prescribed below, and order the item(s) listed.

Feel free to order these products from any source you choose. We can recommend suppliers (see end of document).

PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide prescriptions for needles and syringes. So, you must purchase from a source that doesn’t require a prescription.
There are many out there, including Amazon, ADW Diabetes, etc.


Purchase the following 2 items:

1.) Insulin Syringes: 31G (0.25mm), 5/16 inch (8mm), 3/10mL (0.3cc), (Box of 90-100)
This item includes a syringe and needle to draw up the HGH from the vial and inject.
Typical brands are Zomacton or Omnitrope. Most patients inject daily - 1 syringe/day

Out of stock? Feel free to get 30G and/or 0.5mL (0.5cc)
Needle too flexible? Choose a 30G on your next order

2.) Alcohol Pads/Swabs (Box of 100)

FOR ANY/ALL INJECTIONS, you will need:

1.) Alcohol Pads/Swabs (Box of 100)
You can obtain these from Amazon, ADW Diabetes, Costco, etc. You will use them for any/all injectables, so keep plenty on hand.

They are used to:
- Wipe rubber seals on vials prior to needle entry
- Cleanse your skin prior to needle entry

Keep these on hand at all times!



Purchase the following 2 items:

1.) Insulin Syringes: 31g, 5/16 inch (8mm), 1mL (1cc)
This item includes a syringe and needle to draw up the HGH from the vial and inject.

Out of stock? Feel free to get 30G
Needle too flexible? Choose a 30G on your next order

2.) Alcohol Pads/Swabs (Box of 100)


Purchase the following 4 items:

1.) Luer Lock Syringes: 1cc/mL (Box of 100)
This is used to prepare your testosterone injection

2.) Hypodermic Needles: 18G, 1 inch (Box of 100)
This is used to draw the liquid from the vial into the syringe

3.) Hypodermic Needles: 27G, 1/2 inch (Box of 100)
This will be used to inject yourself intramuscularly

4.) Alcohol Pads/Swabs (Box of 100)



Would you like a reputable company that we’ve used ourselves personally? We’ve had great experiences with ADW Diabetes.

1.) Sign up for an account here:

2.) Then, search the items listed in the document here and order.

Or, use our separate “Injection Materials - ADW" document that has active links to the products listed here.

NOTE: We don’t receive any commission or compensation for recommending ADW. However, we can wholeheartedly recommend them because we’ve had positive, first-hand experiences. Obviously, we can’t guarantee your personal experience, as we have no formal affiliation with this company. But, we feel confident they’ll meet your expectations, as they’ve met ours.

We will continue to keep our eyes out for other qualified vendors we can recommend.


1.) Go here to order products:

Or, order on your own by searching the items on this document.

Note: Some of the products listed on our website link above may be slightly different to what is listed in this document, due to ordering or stock limitations. But, in all cases, what we recommend here is appropriate, and all products have been ordered, tested and approved by us to ensure quality.

We make every attempt to keep these product recommendations updated regularly on this website. But, on occasion, links may be inactive due to changes in seller status or seller inventory beyond our control. We may receive a small commission from Amazon on products you purchase from the above link.

Ultimately, you can choose your own supplier. We support what works best for you!


How to inject HGH

This video is using Zomacton as the prescribed agent. In other instances, the prescription could be for Omnitrope, or another brand of HGH. Not all patients are prescribed the same brand.


How to Inject Testosterone for Men


How to Inject Testosterone for Women