Carotid Artery Ultrasound (CIMT)

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Identifying patients at risk for heart attack and stroke is of great concern for physicians and patients themselves. These life-threatening conditions most commonly occur due to blocked arteries, meaning arteries experiencing plaque build-up.  

There are several imaging tests supporting medical providers’ ability to detect the presence of atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid (head and neck) and coronary (heart) arteries, though many of them entail small doses of radiation. At Breen Center for Optimal Health, we’ve opted in for the use of the Carotid Intima Media Thickness test (CIMT) as it uses sound waves (ultrasound) as opposed to radiation.

Studies have indicated a correlation between the presence of carotid plaque and coronary plaque, and since this test is uniquely suited to detect calcified (hard) plaques AND more subtle soft plaques in the carotid arteries located in the neck, it makes for a useful tool in indirectly accessing heart arteries.

Studies have demonstrated that an increased intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaque in the carotid arteries can predict risk for stroke and heart attack, which poses a more reliable and accurate test for assessing risks of asymptomatic patients when compared with traditional risk factors such as high cholesterol and blood pressure.

What is a CIMT test?

It’s a non-invasive scan that uses ultrasound to detect and quantify vascular disease and cardiovascular risk before any symptoms occur by measuring the thickness of the inner two layers of the carotid arteries (the intima media) as well as detecting the presence of plaques in the arteries.

How is a CIMT test performed?

This test takes less than 20 minutes, requires no preparation, and permits you to remain fully clothed. A gel-like substance will be applied to both sides of your neck after which an ultrasound probe will be gently placed to obtain images. Your provider will then interpret and report the results of your test followed by the next steps in managing any risk factors if applicable.

We also offer the Cleerly Analysis which can further assess soft plaque in the artery, when indicated. This technology can even quantify the different types of plaque present!

Preventing stroke and heart disease is one of our primary goals. So, we use proper diagnostics and tools (whether CIMT, Cleerly, etc.) to determine a patient’s risk. That way, we can develop a treatment plan to stop disease progression in its tracks.


Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877 .721 .0047

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