During menopause, women are at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis. This is due to the rapid, sudden drop in estrogen.

In our functional practice, we address issues by targeting the root cause. First, we determine your risk factor for bone fractures and bone loss. We do this through our extensive labs and in-house diagnostics, as well as thorough review of your health history, including your personal genetics.

Our protocol may consist of hormones, supplementation, nutritional recommendations, exercise routines and other components in our comprehensive treatment plans. Compliance can prevent, halt and reverse bone loss, even when you have a genetic predisposition, including risk factors such as your ethnicity and/or having a small, thin body frame.

We use advanced diagnostics such as the DEXA scan to accurately determine your bone density in specific areas. We continue to scan our program patients on an annual basis to monitor the strength, thickness and mineral composition of their bones and provide subsequent guidance. This greatly minimizes their risk of osteoporosis or fracture.

Fortunately, we have many success stories from patients who either halted or eradicated the progression of osteopenia or osteoporosis completely through our customized regimens.

Watch Dr. Breen Discuss Bone Loss Treatment

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