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One of the most powerful components of our practice is our comprehensive, proprietary, holistic nutrition and lifestyle wellness program, FEEDTHESOUL™.

Patients enrolled in our annual programs have full access to FEEDTHESOUL™ during their first year. We thoroughly believe it’s one of the major reasons our patients experience so much success and receive such noticeable results. In all honesty, it’s our secret sauce!

In addition, we have a full-time certified nutritionist on staff, Cat Edgerton, who personally works with our patients 1:1 to customize plans, and so much more. Our program provides education, action and guidance designed to help you achieve health goals by radically shifting your relationship with food, and balancing mind, body, and soul.

As in all areas of our practice, we take a functional, integrative approach to addressing nutritional health among our patients. We also believe in empowering our patients to make wise and healthy personal choices. Our programs are comprehensive, and focus on all that’s on the plate, and beyond.

Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877.721.0047

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