Executive Health Physical

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Becoming a patient at the Breen Center starts with our Executive Health Physical (EHP). The EHP is a 4-part, holistic assessment that is designed to set up the program that targets your health goals, improves your quality of life, and increases your health span.

The 4-parts include:

  • Labs & Diagnostics

  • An Initial Consultation

  • A Cardiovascular Assessment

  • Nutrition Assessment & Consultation

It starts by collecting blood and urine samples for an extensive lab evaluation to assess:

  • Levels of Sex Hormones

  • Thyroid Hormone Function

  • Growth Hormone

  • Diabetes Risk

  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk

  • Various Genetic Tests

This information better guides your care and results.

When you come into our office for your Initial Consultation, one of our caring team members checks you in and takes your vital signs. The EHP begins with body composition testing that uses bioimpedance to accurately provide your percentage of body fat and lean muscle tissue, and determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This determines your personal daily caloric needs, at rest.

Then, we perform a DEXA Scan to measure your bone density (to predict fracture risk), and determine the amount of visceral fat you have. This is the fat stored behind your abdominal wall; it’s the fat we can’t pinch.

We complete a cardiovascular assessment by measuring your resting EKG to assess the electrical activity of your heart, administering diagnostic tests to assess your arterial health with a Carotid Artery Ultrasound (CIMT) and an Ankle Brachial Index Screening (ABI), for Peripheral Artery Disease analysis.

Also, we screen for Sleep Apnea, and other related conditions.

After the diagnostics are completed, you meet with Dr. Breen for a 2-hour, private 1:1 consultation. You will discuss your health goals and what’s important to you. You will talk in depth about your medical history and he’ll perform a physical and neurocognitive test. A customized program will be created for you based on your health goals, bloodwork and diagnostics.

After the Initial Consultation, you’ll be offered to take a proactive stance to learn more about your personal cardiovascular disease risk. You’ll have access to a variety of educational materials sponsored by the BaleDoneen Method to help you step into a preventative role in your health and life. This alone can be a lifesaver.

You’ll also have a cardiovascular assessment appointment (virtual) to review your specific cardiovascular lab results, your carotid ultrasound report (after it’s been evaluated by a radiologist), and your sleep study report.

Your program may be further tailored to you and your health needs, in alignment with your goals and what’s medically appropriate.

Then, you’ll have a nutritional assessment and consultation with Cat Edgerton, our Lead Nutritionist. She has a proprietary nutrition & lifestyle program where a regimen will be designed for you based on your specific goals, genetics, and science and research that indicates what’s optimal for your unique health and wellness needs.

Collectively, we take a deep dive into your medical and family history – taking into consideration genetic testing and your personal health goals. We discuss what we see is medically important. Together, you come up with a plan to give you back your health and your life.

This is where your health journey begins.

Depending on your goals and Dr. Breen’s evaluation, you will be placed in a program from a number of different tiers that dictates annual fees for services.

At Breen Center for Optimal Health, it all begins with the Initial Consultation and our Executive Health Physical.

We’ve helped thousands of people who were stuck in a health care system too overwhelmed by disease management to focus on disease prevention, determining root causes, taking holistic approaches and health optimization.

We understand that normal is not optimal, and we’re dedicated to a new standard of care.

Experience the difference…

Call us today to discuss how we can help you at 877.721.0047

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